Friday, March 14, 2008

101 Tofu on WTIC 1080

Anne will be dropping by Greener Living with Dr. G on the WTIC 1080 AM talk radio show on Saturday, March 15th, from 4-6 pm.

We'll sample some of the Ultimate Veggie Chili featured on Food Network's Ultimate Recipe Showdown (see posts below), make another super-easy tofu recipe right there in the studio, and chat about what to do when your kid comes home and announces that they're (GASP!) going veg.

Check out the show's website!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ultimate Recipe Showdown - it's a wrap!

Thanks to all who came out to the viewing party last night, and an extra thank you to Katie for being such a gracious hostess.

It was great to see the show in all its elaborately edited glory, and nice to see myself nearly nine months ago -for those who DON'T know, I was actually exactly one week pregnant at the time of the taping, unbeknownst to me at the time. Even my hands looked thinner then . . .
The Comfort Foods episode will replay through out the week if you missed it; check the Food Network website for more information.
Also for the archives: Here's the article from the Hartford Advocate about the show, written by the fabulous Maura Heffner.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ultimate Veggie Chili recipe from 101 Tofu appears on the Food Network

The time has come . . . for the Ultimate Recipe Showdown. Tune in March 2nd to the Food Network at 9pm for the Comfort Foods episode . . . featuring a recipe from none other than "101 Things To Do With Tofu".

You may have seen the teasers, you may have even seen the premiere . . . So without further ado, it's time to officially announce that yes, that IS Anne Tegtmeier that you saw in the commercial for a nanosecond while you were innocently watching "Throwdown".

The lowdown from The Food Network on the URS series concept: "In this new primetime series hosted by Marc Summers and Guy Fieri, the Food Network searched for the Ultimate Recipe in six different categories: Chicken, Burgers, Comfort Foods, Cakes, Pasta and Cookies. After a nationwide recipe contest with thousands of entrants, the Food Network Kitchens selected nine finalists per category/episode. The finalists prepared their dish on set under the lights and pressure of a live audience. A panel of food experts sampled all of the dishes to determine whose was the best. See which winner will walk away with $25,000!"

And yes, I was one of those finalists! Check me out in the Comfort Foods episode!

Here's how it all began: Last summer, I sent my favorite version of a chili recipe (coincidentally titled "Ultimate Veggie Chili") from our cookbook in to this new Food Network contest, basically thinking, what the hey, I've got nothing to lose. A whirlwind experience later, I found myself in LA filming on a Food Network set for the Chili category of the Comfort Foods episode, with my co-author & first mom Donna by my side as my companion.

We've had to stay somewhat mum about the whole thing up to this point, in order to maintain the utmost secrecy for optimal suspense - so it's hard to believe it's finally airing in just two weeks!

So how does it all turn out? Did a vegetarian recipe beat out the other two chilis for the title? Would a recipe including TOFU win over the judges? Did I, in fact, go on to win the grand prize for the night? You'll have to tune in to see how it all unfolds.

For those in the Connecticut area, stay tuned to find out about our viewing party on March second - location soon to be announced! And bring your appetites - we'll be serving (what else?) the chili itself, of course!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A New Sample Recipe for Fall

As featured at the Wild Oats "Flavors of Fall" series on Friday, October 18th from 12-2, here's a delicious vegan cheesecake from your fellow tofu fans at 101 Tofu.

Pumpkin Cheesefake

1 ½ cups vegan gingersnaps

6 tablespoons margarine, melted

4 16 ounces containers soy cream cheese (such as Tofutti), softened

16 ounces silken tofu

3/4 cup canned pumpkin

1 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/3 cup flour

1 cup sugar

Preheat oven to 350 F. Mix gingersnap crumbs and margarine and press into the bottom of a springform pan. Wrap outside of pan with foil and let chill in refrigerator. In food processor or high-speed blender, combine all soy cream cheese with silken tofu and blend until smooth. Add remaining ingredients, blending briefly after each addition. Pour into springform pan.

Place springform pan inside a large, deep baking dish. Fill the baking dish with hot water, taking care not to disturb the springform, and transfer to oven. Bake for 50 minutes, then turn off the oven, open the oven door, and let sit for about 1 hour. Remove both pans and transfer springform to refrigerator. Chill, covered, for at least 3 hours.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

TOFU 101
Saturday, September 29th

12:00-1:00 (and probably beyond)

The class you've all been waiting for, taught by yours truly! I'll be teaching the basics of tofu at Wild Oats in West Hartford, using recipes from the cookbook, of course. Four easy and flavorful dishes will be demonstrated live, and I'll bring at least one extra treat to sample for all.

Bring your questions and your appetites, and I'll satisfy them both.

Free to everyone!

Wild Oats Natural Marketplace
340 N. Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06117

Sunday, September 2, 2007

We had a great time spreading the word and mingling with other true believers at the LA Tofu Festival!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

101 Tofu Hits the LA TOFU FESTIVAL!

LA Tofu Festival
August 18th and 19th, 2007

How could we NOT be there? Donna and Anne will be appearing both days of this unique event, connecting with tofu lovers from all over.

Check out the festival website for more info and directions, come try some delicious samples from dozens of vendors, even enter a tofu-eating contest! And, of course, stop by our booth in the Marketplace to pick up a signed copy of the book. See you there, Southern Californians!